About Holy City Walks
Discover Charleston
At Holy City Walks we believe that the history of Charleston is much more than facts and dates. It is the story of the real people who faced struggles just to arrive in 1670. It is about the contributions of brave individuals for more than 350 years in the face of wars, pirates, hurricanes, fires, and turmoil. It is about the impact of rice, cotton, and indigo which, at the time, was the heart of South Carolina’s economy and the tragedy of slavery that sustained it. Charleston is more than a beautiful old city. Come explore it all with Holy City Walks!
More Than History
At Holy City Walks, we know that Charleston is also far more than history. Let us show you the unique architecture and beautiful gardens that make up the South of Broad neighborhood. From friendly dolphins to hungry pelicans, it’s possible to see a variety of marine wildlife from the Battery and White Point Gardens. Holy City Walks will take you through and engaging journey of architecture, gardens and culture that will leave any enthusiast in awe.
“This was one of the highlights of our family trip to Charleston. There is so much history and culture in one small area, and so many beautiful houses and gardens. HCW had so many interesting stories that really brought the place to life! ”
— Rob. B.